Week 4- Grid Drawing

The Corner of Center and Main
pencil, paper, and 1x1 grid
I took this picture myself


  1. This is really cool! I like how you showed the original image, it helped me get a better understanding of what you were trying to portray. I also really like how much detail you added to the building, makes it look more realistic.

  2. This is a really good, I like that instead of just finding a picture on the internet you took one yourself. I think that you did a good job recognizing positive and negative space. You also have really good shading overall good job.

  3. Looks great and I love the fact that it's an original image. Looks great, I like the step by steps you provided. Color and shading look great. Awesome job.

  4. You chose a good image for this project. I like the perspective. Good job drawing the detail.

  5. Your grid drawing is very good. The detail on your drawing looks just like the real picture. I can tell you spent a lot of time on your drawing.

  6. That building looks really good, you captured quite a bit of detail.

  7. Nice work! I liked how you showed the original picture for comparison. Although, the sun in your drawing looks more like a black hole, haha. Maybe learn some techniques on how to create a light source with shading?

  8. wow this is really good . i love how detailed this is .

  9. I love the detail and that you included the original picture.

  10. Monsen: Wow, this is really good! Its cool that you used your own picture as well! The detail is great.

  11. I thought your drawing looks great! I wouldn't think about doing a building! The colors look great!

  12. This is awesome work it look really good there is a lot of detail I like it a lot.


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